Thursday, April 15, 2021


A Story Sanctuary for Healing the Legacy of White Violence Toward People of Color

April 25, 1-3
Racism and violence against people of color are a white sickness. No one can heal this illness that has permeated white European culture from the beginnings, except white people. Institutional change is necessary, of course, but the ancestral and unconscious contemporary attitudes that are the foundation of prejudice sit in the shadows of our lives must be brought into the light, and detoxified through speaking about them honestly.
Storytelling, as I practice it, might offer a way to clear this poison from our lives and spirits so that all people can live in peace and thrive.
This Story Sanctuary is an experiment, an exploration of this area of our lives, where we as people of good will may prefer not to look, but have to if this terrible virus is to be eradicated.
Folowing my usual program of telling a story as a launchpad into our own hearts, time for private contemplation and writing, and then most important of all, sharing without fear of shame or correction, I am offering this session as a drop of hopefully meaningful medicine for greater healing. Perhaps we will together come up with a practice that we white people who fervently want to be a force for positive change can take into our families and communities.
If you would be interested in exploring this deep territory in your own ancestral and even personal past with me in a small and safe group setting on Zoom, please write me at